05 June 2008

To Abridge or Not To Abridge

I am a classic novel enthusiast. I love getting lost in a good story line, feeling the world around you slide away as you shift into Revolutionary France or Victorian England. I am absolutely fascinated by these artists who can transform your world with a sentence, creating characters who come alive and are as dear as an old friend.

I recently picked up a copy of the Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas and found it surprisingly thin for such an epic novel. All hail the wonders of abridgement. The translators defense of mutilating this cultural treasure was the modern person has no time to read a 1,000+ page volume. I find this a sad commentary on the state of our culture. Yes, we are busy. We live in a world of microwaves and multitasking. However, I cant help but wonder how much more time we would have if we weren't addicted to the television.

These works of art have stood the test of time. They have transported generation upon generation of readers, inspiring imaginations across the span of time and space.... until they got to us in all our efficient glory.

An author is an artist. His canvas is his paper and his brush a pen. The world would weep if anyone should ever "revise" the Mona Lisa or Starry Night. So please, hands off my Dumas and Hugo.


Anonymous said...

I could not agree more!
--Melody (Dustin and Katie's friend)

Mark D. said...

I'll turn you on to Trollope - hours of pleasure ahead!